Tuesday, September 2, 2008

the Chameleon

I often wish I were a chameleon: the lizard with the ability to change color and shape. Well, maybe I am glad I'm not a lizard, but I would like to be able to change color nonetheless. Then, I would like to be color blind as well, so that I could not even tell what color I was going to be. Then my life would be an adventure.
Just goes to show that you cannot plan out the future too far in advance.


Anonymous said...

You mean they change shape, too? I already do that! I can change color, too. But to blend in with my surroundings...that doesn't always work. I like it when you DON'T blend in with your surroundings!

Adam Elfstrand said...

No, they don't really change shape like us humans do...I was just making sure my readers kept on their toes! I do agree about standing out, though, because I think God made us to be creative creators. When people fall back into the act of trying to be like everyone else they become lame because they are denying an essential part of their existence.
Bottom line: Chameleons are lizards for a reason and we are humans for a reason; they're accomplishing their job and so should we.

Anonymous said...

Hey, mister chameleon! How was the Mt Whitney ride? Take any good pictures?

the mathisons said...

adam. you are like Jack Handy, but a little different.

Anonymous said...

i totally agree with the comment above me...just like Jack Handy. And i am waiting for a new blog...it gives me a good chuckle every time i read your most boring blog ever.

Anonymous said...

lalalalalalala....waiting for more ....Miss you guys!

Anonymous said...

ok what the heck...it's been over a month...this is getting discouraging...i enjoy reading your funny blogs....hey i know! post a rap! or a poem!

Anonymous said...

maybe the rest of us should just keep posting comments... hahahaha... that could certainly be boring. Miss you guys terribly, you know!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Adam, let's work on publishing your book! Or your photos... or keep writing ... or something.